For those of you who have not heard the story it begins like this : Jim- I think we can save alot of money getting rid of cable, a guy on Talk of the Town said he can get 60 channels with an antennae. Rachel- Are they good stations ? Can you get 3, 8 and 13 ? Jim- Oh yeh! you can get alot of great channels for free !
So after paying the antennae guy from talk of the town $100 dollars to set up the antennae, adding netflex for $10.00 a month. Getting cables and Roku boxes, other computer gadgets at an undisclosed amount of money....... Oh yeh, and having the antennae guy come again for another $100.oo when we totally lost all t.v about 2 weeks ago for some odd reason, maybe all the storms knocked the antennae off the roof.( Oh yeh , and did I mention the new antennae Jim bought for another $125.00 because he thought the one we had for one year was not working )As you can see Jim added some reinforcements to hold it on the roof, and sat on the roof about 3 nights before calling in help. By this time the neighbors are all asking ? What the H is that guy doing watching t.v. on the roof ?
The good news is, we can now get channels 3,8, and 13 along with the other religious and old shows made before 1948 again. The bad news is, it cost more than if we had kept cable !