Friday, March 13, 2009


I was baking cookies last night. I made peanut butter blossom's. Ben loved them, Chad stated I am not eating those salmonella cookies, Jeff said "Oh I'm not worried about that !"
Jim is talking about building a barn, he wants to put a studio apt. on the top floor. Ben , Chad and Dan are all for it, even had suggestions on how to finish it off, what to add to it. Jeffs comment : Your not really going to build a barn with the economy the way it is are you ?
Jeff came home last night, brought a few of his friends. 3 girls came over . I talked to one of them, and was excited as she was a new girl. I found out later it was Hannah who has been here several times, she was blond the previous times, now she died her hair black. I must be getting old.


  1. Hey, Rachel (and Jim)...This is your Uncle Wayne (and Jutta) out here in Bellingham. Came across this Web site just be doing a search for you! I've been curious about Harry for some time and also Carol. Would you phone or email me? Would love to talk. Phone 360-676-7343 and Love...Wayne (and Jutta)

  2. Hi Uncle Wayne and Aunt Jutta, good to hear from you. Will touch base with you soon.

  3. Those boys really keep us on our toes, don't they?!

  4. They sure do ! Never a dull moment though
