Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Dog

How do you like our new dog ? Carol , I know its not a greyhound but it has the brindle color like Sheba ! It is a male, he is so cute and very friendly. Jim gave him the name "Butch" .

We found out too late that he is a pitbull and he attacked Jim as you see in this picture, went right for the throat. Jim thought he would go for another part of the anatomy so he was protecting that part. Little does he know that chimpanzees go for that part when they are attacking. Pitbulls go for the throat !
Actually, the real story is, Jim is fine. This is not a new addition to the family , and as of today he is out of our lives and was only in it about 2 days. The adventure started tues. evening. I was at consistory and Jim was home putting Bandit out. That is when he saw "Butch" . Knowing he was an unknown dog, he went into panic mode, quickly got Bandit in the house so she would not get killed by this menacing dog. Later when I came home he told me about this dog. Then we went out to the hottub. As I was walking on the bottom deck, I ran right into something furry, it was Butch. I warned Jim that the killer dog was still here. He was not sure he wanted to go into the hot tub as he was in panic mode again. I reassured him the dog was still a puppy and I stepped on him and all he did was lick me and wag his tail. So Jim did waringly come out to the hot tub, I reassured him I would protect him. Butch would not leave, I felt bad because it got cold that night so we let him spend the night. He really was quite playful and made himself right at home. The picture of Jim on the floor with Butch is of them playing. At least Jim now knows not every stray dog is a danger. Butch was picked up by animal control today. I could never own a breed of dog like that just because I would rather have may neices and nephews and their children around, and I would never trust that breed around children because they can be unpredictable.


  1. Awww, he has such an adorable face! I know what you mean, though, I would have similar concerns.

  2. Sorry to put a damper on things, but I just cannot tolerate pit bulls. They scare me to death, they do not look cute to me and they hurt so many people.....I am SO GLAD animal control came and got her. I would be in the panic mode just like Jim....
