Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas 2009

Well the real reason for this blog is I could not stand looking at my nose from the previous blog any longer. This is our mantel . People still laugh and offer to buy me some real stockings which would look classier but..... I did not think I was very sentimental but I just cannot stop putting these goofy animal stockings out that the boys have had all their life. Each year they joke about which one is the best and put down the other guys. Chad is the black bear, Dan is the raccoon, Jeff is the panda ( which he will remind you is the coolest as his is reversible from panda with legs to a stocking, and Ben is the bunny.
This is our Christmas tree, this also is full of memories, my old ornaments from when I was a little girl, my favorites from the past are the carousel looking ones which have foil in the middle which rotate from the heat of the bulbs. My later favorites are , you guessed it , the homemade ones of the boys. One of the personal favorites of the boys is the one of a picture of Dan with a bowl haircut, and Jeff with a goofy smile and a large mexican hat. They have provided the most laughs.

Bandit happy, content the boys are home but also exhausted from having to share her poof with the boys friends.

Some of the shoes which collect when the boys friends come over. I could never get tired of seeing these worn out shoes. It makes me cry to know the ones missing this Christmas are Jeff Christenson's, he will never be forgotten.

Another pick of bandit.

1 comment:

  1. I love the stories about the ornaments the kids will always treasure those....also I LOVE the stockings....and saw them in person last cute
