Sunday, June 21, 2009

River City Rap

After a 50 hour work week , Jim and I decided to go unwind at River City Slims. Now many of you have heard him talk about this favorite place of his. Since I said no the last 5 times he asked , and because my softball game was cancelled due to the weather ( that should have been a clue ) I said I would go. Well , the picture is not real good but it shows that noone else was there ( except for 3 people at the bar )

But you know Jim, he was just happy to be in his favorite place, waiting for the blues to start at 9 pm. Mind you, we paid a $5.oo cover charge each just to get in to hear the blues.

Well to my horror, they did not even have a band, but a DJ. To make matters worse ! He was a rapper ! What in Sam City is a rapper doing in a blues bar ? Sounds slim shady to me !

So we decided to go to the piano bar downtown GR. Another not great picture , but what a difference ! The place was packed, even on a stormy night.

They had 2 piano players, a drummer, and guitar player. They were interactive with the audience, you could request songs , and the place was rocking. They play all the music by ear.
We had just ordered a drink when I recieved a call from Dan " To get home now, because it was like Hurricane Katrina at our house !" Some people are just not supposed to have fun !

It took an hour or more to get home as we had to reroute several times to avoid flooded roads and downed power lines. The boys had hooked up the extra pump in our pond we get in the back when it rains alot. They were vaccuming up the water , then bringing it up the stairs to dump out. We wondered why my whole kitchen floor was flooded too !

Ben keeping a sense of humor through it all.

Dan did not have to go to the gym the next day.

Ben thankful the clown costume from his halloween days was spared .

Noone told the boys using all my towels I own would be enough to mop up 5000 gallons of water.

Junk !

More Junk !

We were able to make it to Lyndi (Kuyers) and Jeremy's wedding on saturday. Then it was back to clean-up.
Everyone is welcome to come see our new basement , it will be very different the next time you see it.


  1. horror of all horrors.....but "as per normal" you just shrug it off, take a licken and keep on tickin".....the whole thing looks like an absolute MESS, I bet your dryer is still a turning with all the towels they used up. I am glad that halloween costume was spared.
    Too bad about River City Slims. I am sure it took you forever to get home in the floods....
    Good Golly Miss Molly....

  2. Oh Aunt Rachel! I'm sorry this had to happen to you guys but of course you always make the best of things. I'm glad you snapped some pictures to remember the event. I think that may have been the same clown costume I wore! Too bad you were not able to enjoy a little more of Mojo's. That is a really fun place!

  3. My dryer and dads are both running, all weekend and beyond. Brenda , that is the costume you wore, I think your mom made it. I should get it to you. Mojo's was a great place, we will have to get back there sometime.

  4. The first part of this post made me laugh...the picture of uncle Jim (I can totally picture him really wanting to go) and then the rap starting!! So funny!!

    Unfortunately, we can relate to the basement problems. We were still at the cottage Saturday morning when we checked our answering machine and discovered that our renters had left a message that water was coming in. So much for a nice relaxing week, we had to quick scramble to pack everything up and clean to get back home, which would be another 2 hours yet. Long story short, we had to rip out all of the carpet and padding in both our side and the rental...and a bunch of my photography stuff got wet, too. Ugh. So, Avery's rooming with us and Isabella is rooming with Elise...we're just thankful for the kiddie sleeping bags we bought them right before going to the cottage!

  5. Oh Tracy, I am so sorry to hear it happened to you too. It is such a mess ! And with you having double to clean up, not fun at all !
