Tuesday, December 8, 2009

soccer shot and Bandit

This is me after Sundays 4 pm soccer game at soccer spot. It was my worst game ever . I took a hit from one of the guys directly in my nose, my nose is swollen ( as if its not big enough as it is) and I have under the eye swelling, and my nose is bruised. Then to add insult to my injury, I took another hit at the end of the game getting a soccer ball kicked into my R jaw, so now my jaw clicks and is sore. Luckily bodies heal. No I am not ready to give up soccer yet.
See how well my glasses hide the injury, I look almost normal.

Dan dedided to do a photo shoot of Bandit for Christmas. She was not real cooperative. We did get a few pictures, my camera does not take great pictures.


  1. Oh your poor nose! I'm impressed you make time for soccer and keep playing even after all your injuries. See you soon at Christmas!

  2. Looking forward to seeing all of you at Christmas Jen ! Did Macey get her snow yet ?

  3. You are ONE tough chick, hon! Most people would have gone to the emergency room and would now be lying in bed eating bon bons. Hope everything heals soon!
